Are you interested in a luxury Rail Holiday……
There are very few global journeys considered national treasures but our trains are, without question, iconic Australian experiences. From the moment you step aboard these legendary trains, you can feel it – a spirit of adventure and a sense of something very special about to unfold. Traversing the full length and breadth of the world’s largest island by rail captures the rich tapestry of this land, and we take you there in unparalleled style.
Don’t Miss the first-ever Aussie Trains Presentation being held at GMHBA stadium at 10am, 12:00pm and 2:00pm on Wednesday, 30th June.
This is the perfect opportunity to educate yourself, receive exclusive deals and spectacular savings across The Ghan, Indian Pacific and Great Southern for one day only!
This informative presentation are free, but bookings are essential and places are strictly limited.
To RSVP please complete the form below or contact Aussie Trains direct on 13 44 26.
EXCLUSIVE TO AUSSIE TRAINS – The Ghan will be arriving and departing Inverleigh, Geelong for the first time in Australian History and we are offering exclusive charters to celebrate.
Aussie Trains Rail Presentation
The Ghan, Indian Pacific and Great Southern Rail
Date: Wednesday, 30th June
Times: 10am, 12:00pm and 2:00pm
Address: 370 Moorabool St, South Geelong VIC 3220
GMHBA Stadium
GETTING HERE – In Geelong, the Princes Freeway becomes Latrobe Terrace (no turns required). Once you reach the set of traffic lights directly adjacent to 7-Eleven turn left onto Kilgour Street and make an immediate right. This will take you straight into Kardinia Park’s main entry being Kilgour Street. Free parking is available on non-major event days.
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